However, analysts said the government might revive a withholding tax on foreign investors 'bond holdings, and may impose further limits on currency forward trading. 然而,分析师表示,韩国政府可能恢复征收针对外国投资者购买债券的预扣税,并可能进一步限制远期汇率交易。
In the NDF market, the 12-month forward was on Wednesday trading at virtually the same level, having traded weaker than the spot rate on Tuesday ( as shown by the mini red spike in the chart at the farthest right point.) 在ndf市场,人民币12个月远期汇率周三几乎与即期汇率持平,周二ndf价格则低于即期汇率(正如图表最右端那个微小的红尖所显示的)
I am greatly looking forward to meet China investors in Hangzhou! I will explain the trading tools I have used for almost half a century and brought me millions of dollars to you! 我很是等候在杭州与中国投资者碰头,我将会为你们讲解我利用了快要半个世纪且为我缔造了数百万美元的买卖手艺!
Under electric market, forward contracts trading can stable electricity price, decrease fluctuations of price and decrease price risks. 在电力市场环境下,签订远期合约可以稳定电价,抑制电价波动,减少价格风险。
Or losses or gains from forward contract trading can be offset. 因远期合同交易造成的损失或收益可以相互抵消。
Aiming at current market situation and using the experiences from developed countries for reference, futures forward and option trading agreements suitable to China's situation are drafted. 同时针对我国电力市场的现状,在吸取西方发达国家已有经验的同时,讨论了适合我国国情的期货期权交易合约。
The second chapter proves the necessity of implementing the power of punishment into futures trading, and puts forward three principles of the power of punishment into futures trading: principle of the last coercion, principle of necessity and principle of moderate degree. 第二,对刑罚权介入期货交易的必要性进行了论证,并提出了刑罚权介入期货交易的三大原则:最后手段原则、必要性原则和适度原则。
Furthermore, this paper puts forward active queue model used as an area for resources dynamic trading in active node, designs resources distribution arithmetic and price function of resources, and lets resources to be shared according to user preferences. 在此基础上建立了主动队列模型作为资源协商之地;同时设计了资源分配算法和资源价格凸函数,让用户直接参与资源协商,自主地共享节点资源。
To promote China power network development, this paper introduces in detail the transaction modes of power market in Nordic Power systems, including the spot trading forward trading, etc. through the investigation on present situation of Nordic Power System and its power market operation. 为促进我国电网发展,通过对北欧电网及电力市场目前运营情况的考察,就北欧电网电力市场的交易模式、现货交易、期货交易等进行详细介绍。
This article puts forward the strategies of ensuring information safety in securities, trading security among customers, and some laws and regulations involved. 根据证券交易的特点,提出了券商的信息安全管理措施、用户的交易安全防范措施以及网络信息安全法规举措。
Spot crude Study on the Clearing of Forward Contract Trading in Timber Exchange Markets 林产品交易市场现货远期合约交易的结算
Some suggestions have been put forward for water rights trading and water market establishment. 为水权交易及水市场的建立提出了有益的建议。
In this dissertation I hope to draw on the experience of western legislation and put forward the concrete countermeasures on the improvement of civil liability of insider trading on the basis of previous fruits. 本文希冀在前人的基础上,借鉴西方立法经念,结合实际,能够比较完善的提出内幕交易民事责任制度的具体对策。
Thus this paper reveals the efficiency the china stock market, evaluate the market validity and some advices are also put forward to improve the microstructure trading mechanism. 从而进一步揭示中国股票市场的运行效率,评价市场有效性并提出微观结构方面改进的方向。
Trading volume plays no role in the modern asset pricing theory. Introducing recent studies on trading volume, the paper puts forward a method about trading volume-process-based stock price analysis, in which trading volume is regarded as a scale. 成交量在现代资产定价理论模型中几乎不起作用,本文在介绍最近有关成交量研究的基础上,从股价推进进程角度,提出成交量作为股价推进进程的标度,基于成交量进程的股价分析思想。
Then a simple introduction to the western network dispute settlement mechanism and its developing situation in China, on the base of this, put forward a simple design for our web trading dispute resolution mechanisms. 其后又对西方网络纠纷解决机制以及我国的发展现状做简单介绍,从而在此基础上提出对我国网络交易纠纷解决机制完善的简单设计。
The measures and suggestions mainly include pushing forward the carbon trading market, accelerating transformation of the mode of economic development in order to achieve the environment-friendly growth and changing the consumption concept of all level. 第五章介绍了实现我国贸易与环境协调发展的对策建议,包括:构建和完善碳排放权交易市场、转变经济发展方式进而实现绿色增长、转变各层次经济主体的消费观念。
Chapter VI summarizes and looking forward to the future direction of development of trading systems and strategies. 第六章总结全文,展望今后的交易系统与策略的发展方向。
Based on the analysis of the status of legislation and implementation, the paper from two angles makes to improve implementation of environmental legislation and recommendations, look forward to establish a Chinese online trading electronic certification legal system. 在对我国在线交易电子认证的立法和实施现状分析的基础上,从立法和实施环境两个角度提出了完善建议,以期逐步建立我国在线交易电子认证法律体系。
So the thesis put forward to the optimization in the logistics solution of South coal trading center, including the optimization of logistics service mode and logistics supporting system. 因此本论文中提出对于贵州省南方煤炭交易中心物流解决方案的优化,其中包括物流服务模式的优化和物流支撑体系的优化。
He put forward overall vision of China to build a carbon emissions trading system. 第四部分笔者对我国碳排放权交易制度的构建提出了自己的建议。
Chapter by Chapter IV provides data analysis on less than the system found that under certain conditions, to put forward for the correct application of the trading strategy, and the expected improvements. 第五章通过对第四章提供数据的分析,阐述在特定条件下发现的系统不足,提出适合系统正确应用的交易策略,并提出预期的改进方法。
In continuing to pursue the global trade integration, we note there are two parallel trends of development, the rapid development of regional economic integration and the hard forward of the multilateral trading system. 在不断追求全球贸易一体化的道路上,有两种并行发展的潮流值得我们关注,这就是区域经济一体化的飞速发展和世界多边贸易体制的艰难前行。
Forward contracting decisions and day-ahead market trading decisions are recognized as different decisions of different stages in a stochastic programming framework. 该模型以基于不同场景构建方法得到的场景树模型表示径流和电价的随机性,将远期合约决策与日前市场交易决策视为随机规划框架下的不同阶段决策。
This design found a new way to build a unified trading platform for electronic paper presents. Second, we put forward new solutions on how e-bills offer and trading ideas based on the above platform. 该设计为搭建全国统一的电子票据交易平台给出了一种全新的解决途径。第二,基于上述平台,如何实现的电子票据集中报盘与交易提出了全新的解决思路。
Therefore, bring forward the principle of emissions trading of Tanggu District based on the Tanggu District situations. 4. 因此,依据塘沽区的情况提出了塘沽区实施排污权交易原则。
The fourth chapter, in the view of cost-benefit perspective of economics, talk about the reason of insider trading is low cost of illegal and high cost of rights, and put forward a sound case for the recommendation of legal regulation of insider trading. 第四章从成本&收益的经济学视角出发,提出内幕交易行为屡禁不止的根源在于违法成本过低而维权成本过高,并针对这一情况提出完善内幕交易法律规制的建议。
At last, it puts forward policy recommendations to ensure the running of carbon emissions trading market effectively in China, which are converting of the emission reduction targets quickly, establishing a sound legal system, building human resources increasingly and guiding the finance to participate in. 并从加快减排指标的转换,建立健全的法律法规体系,加强人才建设、积极引导金融业介入三个方面提出了新模式下保证我国碳排放权交易市场有效运作的政策建议。
Then put forward for the modern environmental management system of emission trading, in-depth analysis about the inherent advantage of mission trading system. 随后提出了适合现代环境管理的排污权交易制度,深入分析排污权交易的内在优势。